At the lab there are 14 or so RAs, 11 of whom are new, two who have been there for one semester, and one who has been there for three years. There are also 3 graduate students, one post doc., and a lab manager. The grad students, post doc, manager and senior RA are all doing original research in child cognition, morality, false belief and other topics related to Theory of Mind. Most of these studies involve either an eye tracker, for studies on children who cannot talk, and stories with question on the intentions of the characters at the end for kids who can talk. Most subjects are I may have been wrong about the fact that children develop a theory of mind at four, as a paper (Onishi and Baillargeon 2005) has provided proof, using an eye tracker to understand the mental state of the subect, that kids may have a theory of mind as young as 15 months, raising the question: Why do 3 year olds fail a verbal test (explicit test) for theory of mind but pass a test using an eye tracker(implicit test)? Anyway, here's a picture of some of the people in my lab

The person on the left is lu, a grad student. The guy in the sombrero is the lab manager, Alex. The girl in the white strippy t-shirt is Cami, an RA, and to her left is Michelle, another grad student. Behind Michelle is Katya, the post doc, and the woman next to her is Sydney, a grad student. Next to Sydney is Alan Leslie, the PI, who I've never met.
This is Talia, the senior RA whose asked me for some help as she prepares for a research trip to Peru to study universal moral grammar

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