On the Thursday 2 weeks ago, my first day began with Dr. Ware, my PI, introducing me to all the equipments in the laboratory, showing me pretty much where everything is around Rutgers, introducing me to other students, both graduate and undergraduate, and giving me the first assignment of the day. I also received my first project - I will sequence erythemis, a genus of dragonfly which many of its species have not been studied in the past, and are ambiguously placed in the phylogenetic tree. Aside from placing known species into the tree correctly, I will also determine if some samples are actually new species.
Crosslinker in action - a convenient device used to sterilize equipment with x-ray |
After I soak the legs into 2 chemicals that lysed all the cells and left only DNA behind (see the picture on Day 6), I incubate it for further extraction (the rest of the procedures is pretty much the same as plasmid DNA extraction, with all those spin columns). After extractions, we run PCR with the extthermocycleracted DNA in a thermocycler. Again, this is really similar to what we did before, except there are different thermalcycle and primer you can choose to target a specific gene to amplify. Instead of Tacq, I used a different primer and chose a different thermocycle to amplify 16s gene, an rRNA gene.
This day I met one of the graduate students of the Lab- Melissa. She's working on a different project aside from mine, but she understands and can guide me through experiments.
Today I received my results from PCR, and run a gel electrophoresis with the amplified DNA. I also repeated the experiments yesterday with 6 dragonfly legs, marking the start of my project.
Day 3
Day 4 and 5
On day 4 I met another graduate student - Will. He is a very outgoing person, and aside from lab works, I asked him about student live and culture around Rutgers. For my assignments today and tomorrow, I continued to align sequences, and run another PCR with different primer and thermocycle to target another gene to amplify, then I ran another gel electrophoresis.
Day 6
The piece of leg form collector, soacked in chemicals, after incubation. |
After today, my professor and most graduate students would go to Germany for a conference, so over the next week, I will attend a safety training course required to work in labs at Rutgers, and spent time reading articles and papers, and aligning sequences.
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