Our 21 students are working in labs from NC (Duke) to MA (Harvard and MIT), and on topics from computer languages to tissue formation. Join us here to read weekly updates from their time in the lab!

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Saturday, July 6, 2013

Week 5 @ Microdynamic Systems Lab

While the fifth week was shorter than a regular week due to a break on Monday and the Independence Day on Thursday, it nonetheless put a wonderful end on my research experience.

After learning to use Robot Operating Systems and programming patterns for a LED string using Python in the first four weeks, in the fifth week I connected my codes to the actual LED string and finished the testing.  Following are the videos I took of the LED patterns.

1. Asleep Mode:

2. Ready Mode:

3. Unbalanced Mode:

4. Linear Single (Gaussian Wave) Motion:

As my professor said on my first day at lab, five-week is not at all a long time for scientific research.  Nevertheless, this five-week experience was both challenging and fulfilling.  It exposed me to the real-world scientific research where there is a combination of individual working and collective effort. In addition to inspiring me about technology and management, the experience introduced me to many engineering concepts and equipments, honed my programming skills, and prepared me for independent problem-solving and collaboration in innovation.

I really appreciate the preparation and inspiration Peddie has always been providing me with and the opportunity that the Robotics Institute of Carnegie Mellon University has given me.  I hope I can make good use of my knowledge and experience and benefit others in the future.

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